Monday, December 15, 2008

#19 LibraryThing

I really like LibraryThing. I like the ability to review books on the site, read others' reviews, organize my collection of books I have read, and chat with other readers.There are probably many more options I have not yet had time to play around with. I have had to stop myself from logging on too often because I could spend a lot, if not all, my free time on this site. It reminds me a lot of which one of my friends emailed me about. I chose to catalog books I had read most recently, so I just took the last five books I had read and catalogued those. I wasn't too surprised by anything I found, although I did find it interesting that some of my books were quite unpopular-hardly anyone else had read Lake Effect at all. It would be a good way for students to start keeping track of their reading. I still have a reading journal where I log all the books I have read. This would help them keep track and might seem more fun than taking the time to write about each book.

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