Monday, December 15, 2008

#22 eBooks and Audio eBooks

Right now I am a teacher librarian in a low income urban school. For over a year now we have been trying to think of ways that our non-English speaking population could listen to books in their native language. Since most of our non-English speaking families are low income they don't have access to ipods. While we would like to purchase some to check out to families, we also know that is taking a risk with some higher price items we are not guaranteed to be returned. Ebooks would also be another great option for our non-English speakers (it would be good for our English speakers, too!) because it would provide an opportunity to hear things in their native language that we don't have access to in print. I am going to talk to our ELL teacher since she would be able to access these things in her classroom, or we could find a way to provide some evening services to allow families a chance to try out some of these resources.
When exploring some of the sites available I enjoyed seeing how there are sites that have first editions of books, rare books, and even educational books that I could listen to.
Looking at these sites makes me feel like there are so many resources out there available to people that it is impossible to know about all of them.

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